birds of a tree easy drawing

Peacocks are wonderful and beautiful creatures! Explore wonderful peacock drawings and peacock drawing images and even learn how to draw a peacock or a peacock feather. Below are over 50 of the best and most beautiful drawn peacocks, peafowls, peacock feathers, and peacock art.
Find easy drawings, realistic drawings, drawings in color, and simple drawings. As well as, peacock feather drawings. Click each image to get a bigger image.
If you would like to learn to draw a peacock, see How to Draw a Peacock Step by Step with Pictures or view All Tutorials on Drawing a Peacock
For Peacock feather drawings, see Peacock Feather Drawings or How to draw a peacock feather to learn to draw a peacock feather.
Peacock Drawings Video
Watch 50+ Beautiful Peacock Drawings & Sketches
Beautiful Peacock Drawings

Here's a very beautiful peacock drawing with his peacock feathers displayed. Below is a more realistic black and white version of this drawing. You can learn how to draw a realistic peacock or a beautiful peacock here.

Realistic Peacock Drawings

A beautiful peacock drawing with great detail.

Here's a peacock sketch with feathers open and on display.

This sketch is a peacock sitting on a branch, without its feathers spread.
Peacock Pencil Drawings

This peacock pencil drawing features the peacock in the middle of many other birds, but as the center of focus and the most majestic of the birds, with his tail feathers displayed prominently.

A simple peacock pencil drawing, posing from the side.

A very detailed and very nice peacock-themed drawing in pencil.

Amazing vintage peacock pencil drawing with amazing detail. Features a man, rabbit, and another bird. The peacocks remain the focus of the picture.
Simple Peacock Drawings

Here is a basic and easy Peacock sketch drawing.

This is a simple peacock drawing, not as abstract.
Simple & Abstract Peacock Drawings

A black and white peacock drawing with a slightly abstract feel.

A peacock amidst the flowers, drawn in black and white.

Slightly abstract peacock drawing of the peacock in front of a gate, possibly roaming the city.

A simple and artsy, abstract peacock ink drawing.
Abstract Peacock Drawings

Here is an abstract peacock drawing that seems to have an Indian influence.

A slightly abstract drawing of multiple peacocks.

A peacock black abstract drawing.

Abstract peacock art in gold with black background.

Retro and abstract peacock drawing in black and white.
Peacock Drawing Designs

This peacock drawing design is a mirror image of one another, giving the impression of two peacocks facing each other.

This is a simple but more abstract peacock design.
Peacock Feather Drawings

A simple Peacock feather drawing. Simple and beautiful, representing the beauty of the peacock feather.

A little bit more elaborate peacock feather drawing in color.

Here is an interesting circular design composed of peacock feather drawings.

A nice and simple drawing of a brown peacock feather.

A peacock feather drawing in green.

Multiple peacock feathers drawings in black and white.

Black and white peacock feathers drawn in an abstract pattern.

Peacock feather sketch. Very minimalistic.
Peacock Drawings in Color

This peacock drawing in color features mostly red as the peacock's body. With green with red feathers.

This peacock drawing in color is more abstract than the previous one. It contains lots of greens and blues, and the eye of the feather is highlighted.

This peacock drawing is a very colorful one with lots and lots of dramatic colors used to represent the colorful nature of the peacock.

This drawing features many peacocks in colorful forms.

This peacock has darker colors with a nice dark red body.

This peacock has his feathers fully spread in majesty.

This colorful peacock drawing has this peacock with its feathers spread very wide and proud.

Here's the same peacock in this drawing, but this time up close and zoomed in closer to the face.

One of my favorites. A very lovely and accurate drawing of the peacock's head and beak.

This peacock drawing is of the face with the feathers displayed behind it.

This peacock drawing is in brown with the feathers spread.

Here's the green peafowl, also known as the peacock.
Simple Colorful Peacock Drawings
A basic and colorful peacock drawing.

Here's a simple drawing in color of a pretty blue peacock, looking back at his feathers.

Here's a simple and colorful peacock, which is almost reminiscent of a Christmas tree.

Very nice and simple peacock drawing of the head and neck in blue.

A somewhat simple drawing in color featuring the peacock's feathers spread in display.

A very multi-colored and unique peacock drawing.

This is a simple peacock drawing with a cartoonish look. Feathers are displayed behind in green with a blue body.

A simple and brown peacock drawing with tail feathers behind but unopened.

This very simple peacock drawing has a look of watercolor being used.

This is a simple peacock drawing with a slight cartoon but a more artistic feel.

A simple and lovely peacock drawing in orange colors and tones with a sun image behind it.

A simple peacock drawing in color from the side. Green feathers and blue neck and head.
How to Draw a Peacock
How do you draw an easy peacock?
How do you draw a realistic peacock?
How to Draw a Peacock with Open Feathers
You can learn to draw many more peacocks on our page How to Draw a Peacock Step by Step with Pictures for more realistic and advanced drawings.
About Peacocks
The peacock is the male version of the peafowl bird species. The female is called a peahen, and the male is the peacock, but generally, both are referred to as peacocks in everyday speech.
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